Category: teachers

Science Learning Remotely or In-Class

Joan Adams December 20, 2020
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Science learning in the classroom is not easy. Science is an inquiry, hands-on learning experience for students. However, it is difficult for students to have hands-on science w... read more

Math Skills Needed

Joan Adams December 13, 2020
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Math skills are behind according to students’ fall assessments.  Many blame the pandemic and remote learning. However, many students choose to opt-out of testing because ... read more

Structure Time

Joan Adams May 24, 2020
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Structure and structured time mean a set time for daily routines. Above all, children need consistency. They like things to be predictable. Thus, routines are important learning... read more

Attendance With Remote Learning

Joan Adams April 26, 2020
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Attendance still counts with remote learning. Thus, students in most schools are expected to log-on and complete daily assignments. Most students can expect to be without tradit... read more

Social Emotional Learning From Home

Joan Adams April 19, 2020
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Social-emotional learning (SEL) is emphasized in school. Yet, social and emotional learning is not part of remote learning. As students are remote learning parents have a respon... read more

Remote Learning Effectiveness

Joan Adams April 12, 2020
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Remote learning can be a challenge especially if there are multiple students in a household. It may have a toll on some students. However, other students find freedom and no st... read more

Family Bonding in Crisis

Joan Adams April 5, 2020
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Family bonding may be in crisis mode with parents and guardians monitoring remote learning. Students need to be monitored during on-line learning now that schools are closed. Ma... read more

Explaining the Pandemic to Children

Joan Adams March 29, 2020
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Explaining the pandemic to children may be difficult. As time goes on everyone is at a distance from one another. Children are restless and do not understand. Or, they feel this... read more

Distance Learning

Joan Adams March 22, 2020
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Distance learning and homeschooling is happening today. The pandemic has many schools closed for at least a month. This is a major disruption to the education system. The data f... read more

Poor Classroom Behavior

Joan Adams March 15, 2020
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Poor classroom behavior affects the learning of all children. Continous interruptions in the classroom make other students lose focus on a lesson. The negative effects are damag... read more

Participation of Parents

Joan Adams March 8, 2020
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Participation of parents in school, as well as outside activities, is a concern of many teachers and instructors. However, most parents show up in the audience as their child pe... read more

Success Builds Pressure in Children

Joan Adams February 23, 2020
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Success adds pressure to a student’s life. Every parent and teacher wants their child to succeed. Yet, the desire to succeed causes pressure on children and students to pe... read more

Assignments Not Completed

Joan Adams February 16, 2020
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Assignments that are incomplete or not turned in are a concern for many teachers. It is frustrating and devastating to students. Assignments, especially homework are important ... read more

Activities Effect Student’s Mental Health

Joan Adams February 9, 2020
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Activities, especially extra-curricular, mentally help students. Although, parents fear a child will be hurt mentally if they do not succeed in a chosen activity. Also, if a ch... read more

Math Fear, Math Anxiety in Students

Joan Adams January 26, 2020
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Math fear and anxiety are what some students experience.  Students that struggle in mathematics interpret the struggle as they are not good math students.  However, this is a ... read more

Discipline Charts Hurt Children

Joan Adams January 19, 2020
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Discipline charts are used every day in classrooms.  However, they cause more harm than good to students that are vulnerable. These charts shame children and do not regulate be... read more

Book Clubs in School

Joan Adams December 29, 2019
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Book clubs in school are part of today’s curriculum. Many classrooms have clusters of students happily discussing books they are reading. Clustering in small groups, the t... read more

Peer Teaching In Classrooms

Joan Adams December 15, 2019
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Peer teaching is part of a few classrooms. Educators look to increase student achievement every year. To meet expectations, schools consider peer teaching as an evidenced-based ... read more

Metacognitive Reading

Joan Adams November 17, 2019
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Metacognitive reading is thinking about one’s thinking while reading.  It is the basis for the fundamentals of the reading process.  It is important to create readers th... read more

Learning Process

Joan Adams November 10, 2019
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The learning process involves many steps. Many educators use the process of Bloom’s Taxonomy to engage a student’s learning. However, many educators believe that Mas... read more