Category: students

Negative Behavior

Joan Adams October 6, 2019
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Negative behavior is, at times, labeled as bullying or harassment by parents, teachers and students.  However, many times children that misbehave toward others are simply being... read more

Graphic Novels Teach

Joan Adams September 29, 2019
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Graphic novels are very popular with students of all ages. However, many parents and teachers claim they are not ‘real’ books. Today, students exist in a society  t... read more

Playtime During Schooltime

Joan Adams September 1, 2019
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Playtime during school is probably the most important time of the day.  Ask any student their favorite subject in school and the response is “recess”. However, ther... read more

Teaching Reactive Attachment Disorder Students

Joan Adams November 4, 2018
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Attachment disorder in students is a problem that sometimes shows up in school.  However, students with is disorder need caregivers and educators that provide help in educating... read more

Profanity From Students

Joan Adams October 28, 2018
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Profanity from students in the classroom is common today. Unfortunately, students and children use inappropriate language. They swear daily. For some children, profanity is a na... read more

Dress Codes Outdated

Joan Adams September 9, 2018
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Dress codes in schools are outdated. And, there is an imbalance with race, class, and gender. In addition, many say dress code violations unfairly target girls. They shame girls... read more

Mental Health Teaching

Joan Adams August 19, 2018
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Mental health, resilience and well-being is not a focus in today’s schools.  However, many psychologists think it is a necessity for educating the student as a whole.  E... read more

Public Schools Decline Attendance

Joan Adams August 5, 2018
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Public schools face a decline in attendance with the surge of private schools.  Today’s government is a proponent of voucher programs. These programs take taxpayer money ... read more

Summer Boredom

Joan Adams July 15, 2018
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Boredom in the summer months often occurs with children.  Many young children and teens are entertained during the summer months with various activities. Parents involve them i... read more

Emergency Drills Affect Students

Joan Adams May 20, 2018
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Emergency drills are teaching students new vocabulary words. Students are learning such words as ‘shooter’, ‘barricade’, ‘lockdown’, silence,... read more

Daydreaming Students

Joan Adams March 11, 2018
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Daydreaming occurs daily in classrooms and at home. Some studies indicate daydreaming helps students process information, develop social skills, promote creativity and strengthe... read more

Action – Parents, Teachers, Students

Joan Adams February 25, 2018
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Action and making caring common life skills is very much in need today.  Our children must be safe. Especially in our schools. They must be respected and learn to respect. Ther... read more

Bully-Proofing Children

Joan Adams January 21, 2018
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Bully-proofing children is a must.  After all the years of programs that teach children what to do about bullies, it’s still happening. Therefore, it’s important to... read more

Oppositional Defiant in Our Schools

Joan Adams December 10, 2017
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Oppositional Defiant is a term emerging in our schools today. It is real. And, the cause is not known. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is commonly referred to as ODD.  However, i... read more

Religion Teaching

Joan Adams November 26, 2017
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Religion often becomes a topic of discussion in schools this time of the year with Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Nonetheless, there are at least 14 religious holidays... read more

Social Learning

Joan Adams October 22, 2017
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Social skills are important for children of all ages. Therefore, they must be able to relate and communicate with people.  Students must work in groups, both small and large. S... read more

Hate Lessons – Home/School

Joan Adams August 21, 2017
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Hate is having an intense dislike for someone or something. Are our schools ready to teach about such a subject? Today’s schools have plans in place for fires, severe weat... read more

Attendance Equals Learning

Joan Adams August 7, 2017
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Attendance is an important factor in succeeding in school. It is related to academic achievement regardless of the socio-economic status or background of the student. And, it b... read more

Teaching Entrepreneurship

Joan Adams July 10, 2017
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Entrepreneurship needs to begin at a young age to give children a presence of mind for money skills. Simple entrepreneurship skills build discipline along with structure and pla... read more

Summer Independent Reading

Joan Adams June 26, 2017
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Independent reading, or with another is a skill that builds verbal and non-verbal communication while school is not in session. It is important to never have students take a br... read more