Category: Pre service educators

Homeschooling Children

Joan Adams August 26, 2018
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Homeschooling children in grades K to 12 continues to grow.  It grew approximately 2 percent to 8 percent over the past few years according to the National Home Education Resea... read more

Mental Health Teaching

Joan Adams August 19, 2018
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Mental health, resilience and well-being is not a focus in today’s schools.  However, many psychologists think it is a necessity for educating the student as a whole.  E... read more

Public Schools Decline Attendance

Joan Adams August 5, 2018
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Public schools face a decline in attendance with the surge of private schools.  Today’s government is a proponent of voucher programs. These programs take taxpayer money ... read more

School Refusal – Real/Fake

Joan Adams July 22, 2018
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Refusal to go to school is a real problem concerning some parents. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America describes this refusal as a disorder. As some children face ... read more

Summer Boredom

Joan Adams July 15, 2018
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Boredom in the summer months often occurs with children.  Many young children and teens are entertained during the summer months with various activities. Parents involve them i... read more

Directions, Rules, Regulations, Chaos

Joan Adams July 8, 2018
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Directions are difficult to follow for some children and some adults. And, most all children have difficulty following directions or rules some of the time. However, most adults... read more

Hard Copy Text Verses Digital

Joan Adams July 1, 2018
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Hard copy text and digital are changing reading habits. Unfortunately, using books may be a thing of the past.  Studies indicate that as a person reads from a screen, the infor... read more

Toxic Stress Causes Health Problems

Joan Adams June 24, 2018
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Toxic stress is the cause of many learning problems in students.  Many children that attend school, have students with educational needs.  It’s known that prolonged stre... read more

Summer Countdown

Joan Adams June 3, 2018
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The Summer countdown to the last day of school begins after state testing.  This is a habit of many teachers and parents.  However, it sends the wrong message. Also, some chil... read more

Printing Practice

Joan Adams May 27, 2018
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Printing and/or writing isn’t used as much today as in the past. However, there are times when printing/writing is needed. As we grow, a person’s writing changes. Th... read more

Emergency Drills Affect Students

Joan Adams May 20, 2018
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Emergency drills are teaching students new vocabulary words. Students are learning such words as ‘shooter’, ‘barricade’, ‘lockdown’, silence,... read more

STEM Summer Learning

Joan Adams May 13, 2018
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STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) must continue during the summer months. Just because school is not in session, the learning must not be lost. Therefore, ... read more

Motivating Learners

Joan Adams May 6, 2018
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Motivating learners is a problem that most parents and teachers face today. Engaging students in a task for a period of time is difficult. Students want quick responses and imme... read more

Teach Creativity

Joan Adams April 15, 2018
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  • 247 Creativity is important for students to express. For the most part, schools today focus on core subjects, English/Language Arts, mathematics, science. However, some o... read more

Confidence Building – Girls

Joan Adams April 8, 2018
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Confidence building comes naturally for boys because of their testosterone levels. However, it does not come easily for girls.  Parents and educators must build their confidenc... read more

Overstimulating Classrooms

Joan Adams April 1, 2018
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Overstimulating classrooms are harmful for students. Classrooms need a happy medium between over-decorated and bare walls.  Most educators do not realize their classroom is ov... read more

Snow Days Not Necessary To Make Up

Joan Adams March 25, 2018
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Snow days are an inconvenience for all.  Parents, teachers and administrators hate them.  The fact that they need made-up becomes a head-ache for everyone.  It’s time t... read more

Vulnerable Students

Joan Adams March 18, 2018
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Vulnerable students struggle academically and socially.  They are more at risk of bullying or being bullied than stronger students. Also, They struggle with academic materials.... read more

NonCompliant Children

Joan Adams March 4, 2018
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Noncompliant children and students require constant attention and reminders. Plus, they are difficult to work with in the classroom as well as the home front. Students are nonco... read more

Action – Parents, Teachers, Students

Joan Adams February 25, 2018
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Action and making caring common life skills is very much in need today.  Our children must be safe. Especially in our schools. They must be respected and learn to respect. Ther... read more