Category: K-12 information

History Textbooks Under Fire

Joan Adams July 18, 2021
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History textbooks are controversial today. Many question the truth behind the books. Education critics question the construction of textbooks. Simply, the books are a compromise... read more

Knowledge and Memorization

Joan Adams January 2, 2021
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Knowledge and memorization go hand in hand. Therefore, rote memorization eventually gets lodged in a student’s long term memory. It is necessary to keep the brain challen... read more

Science Learning Remotely or In-Class

Joan Adams December 20, 2020
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Science learning in the classroom is not easy. Science is an inquiry, hands-on learning experience for students. However, it is difficult for students to have hands-on science w... read more

Collaborative Discussions with Children

Joan Adams July 5, 2020
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Collaborative discussions at home are crucial. They lead children to a deeper understanding of various concepts. Also, it teaches children to ask good questions. Furthermore, ch... read more

Black History Needs Taught

Joan Adams June 28, 2020
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Black history is important for all children to learn and understand. It is more than learning about Martin Luther King, or Juneteeth. It is a vital part of the history of the Un... read more

Reading Orally Has Benefits

Joan Adams June 20, 2020
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Reading orally is one important thing for parents to do over the summer months. It benefits children of all ages. Oral reading builds many beneficial skills. It builds a strong ... read more

Content Learning This Summer

Joan Adams June 14, 2020
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Content learning this summer will look different. Virtual and onsite programs provide students with many summer learning opportunities. Therefore, the hope is for students to av... read more

Testing Gone

Joan Adams June 7, 2020
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Testing is gone for this year because of the Covid-19 virus. State testing has been in existence since the 90s with Improving America’s Schools Act. Schools must begin th... read more

Safe schools

Joan Adams May 31, 2020
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Safe school reopening is everyone’s hope. Reopening school is on the mind of many parents and administrators. However, it must be done safely.  Presently, officials can o... read more

Critical Thinking

Joan Adams May 17, 2020
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Critical thinking has declined with the use of technology. However, technology has improved a student’s visual skills. Critical thinking skills involve identifying flaws i... read more

Learning Changes

Joan Adams May 10, 2020
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Learning changes are about to occur. Students are presently learning remotely with the early closing of schools. This is a glimpse of how education changes for the long term. E... read more

Social Distancing Manners

Joan Adams May 3, 2020
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Social distancing doesn’t mean proper etiquette and manners stop. Also, it doesn’t mean that children ignore proper etiquette and forget their manners.  However, t... read more

Active Shooter Drills

Joan Adams March 1, 2020
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Active shooter drills are under the spotlight. Many wonder the effectiveness of the lockdown drills. Also, parents and teachers wonder how they mentally affect school students. ... read more

Activities Effect Student’s Mental Health

Joan Adams February 9, 2020
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Activities, especially extra-curricular, mentally help students. Although, parents fear a child will be hurt mentally if they do not succeed in a chosen activity. Also, if a ch... read more

ADHD or Childhood Trauma

Joan Adams February 2, 2020
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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Childhood trauma often mimic each other. Many students diagnosed with ADHD are in regular classrooms. However, many are misdi... read more

Spelling Lessons, Rote Memorization Or Strategies

Joan Adams December 21, 2019
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Spelling lessons, rote memorization, or strategies is the dilemma of most classrooms. However, spelling lessons doesn’t appear to matter much anymore to students. It’... read more

Peer Teaching In Classrooms

Joan Adams December 15, 2019
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Peer teaching is part of a few classrooms. Educators look to increase student achievement every year. To meet expectations, schools consider peer teaching as an evidenced-based ... read more

Outdoor Play for Children

Joan Adams December 8, 2019
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Outdoor play is important for the development of the children. At home and in the schoolyard it is beneficial for students to explore their surroundings. According to Maria Mont... read more

Social Change in Schools

Joan Adams December 1, 2019
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Social change happens every day. Social change is the way we change institutions, behaviors, and social relations to meet today’s needs. Over time, it profoundly impacts ... read more

Grief Support

Joan Adams November 24, 2019
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Grief is something that people naturally experience. However, it greatly affects students and their learning.  So, many questions arise as to the approach to take when it affec... read more